Slime All the Time Camp



June 30-July 3


Ages 6-10

Kids universally love slime, but the clean up is…not as fun. Which is why we made a 4 day camp where they get to make, play, and get messy- just not in your house. We will learn how to make 3 different types of slime, play with oobleck (a favorite for kids) and even make and add our own scents/add ons to the slime!

Sample Camp day Schedule:

9-10:15 Mini Creativity exercise

10:15-30 Snack time

10:30-12 Make clay-based slime, decorate slime container + make slime brand logo

12-1 lunch + games

1-2 Make another clay based slime, add in glitter/add ons/scents then trade with friend

2-3 free choice with maker stations (jewelry, cardboard construction, painting, etc)

Make sure your kiddo brings:
✸ Clothes they can get messy in (apron/smock provided!)
✸ Snack + lunch, water bottle
✸ Sun screen (some days we will walk 4 blocks to Rose City Park Elementary’s playground for an outdoor break!

An email with more details of activities/what to expect will be sent out a few weeks before camp!

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June 30-July 3


Ages 6-10

Kids universally love slime, but the clean up is…not as fun. Which is why we made a 4 day camp where they get to make, play, and get messy- just not in your house. We will learn how to make 3 different types of slime, play with oobleck (a favorite for kids) and even make and add our own scents/add ons to the slime!

Sample Camp day Schedule:

9-10:15 Mini Creativity exercise

10:15-30 Snack time

10:30-12 Make clay-based slime, decorate slime container + make slime brand logo

12-1 lunch + games

1-2 Make another clay based slime, add in glitter/add ons/scents then trade with friend

2-3 free choice with maker stations (jewelry, cardboard construction, painting, etc)

Make sure your kiddo brings:
✸ Clothes they can get messy in (apron/smock provided!)
✸ Snack + lunch, water bottle
✸ Sun screen (some days we will walk 4 blocks to Rose City Park Elementary’s playground for an outdoor break!

An email with more details of activities/what to expect will be sent out a few weeks before camp!


June 30-July 3


Ages 6-10

Kids universally love slime, but the clean up is…not as fun. Which is why we made a 4 day camp where they get to make, play, and get messy- just not in your house. We will learn how to make 3 different types of slime, play with oobleck (a favorite for kids) and even make and add our own scents/add ons to the slime!

Sample Camp day Schedule:

9-10:15 Mini Creativity exercise

10:15-30 Snack time

10:30-12 Make clay-based slime, decorate slime container + make slime brand logo

12-1 lunch + games

1-2 Make another clay based slime, add in glitter/add ons/scents then trade with friend

2-3 free choice with maker stations (jewelry, cardboard construction, painting, etc)

Make sure your kiddo brings:
✸ Clothes they can get messy in (apron/smock provided!)
✸ Snack + lunch, water bottle
✸ Sun screen (some days we will walk 4 blocks to Rose City Park Elementary’s playground for an outdoor break!

An email with more details of activities/what to expect will be sent out a few weeks before camp!

The Art Room Camp is drop off only.

5212 NE Sacramento St, Portland OR 97213