Fairy/Gnome Garden Camp
June 23-27
Ages 6-10
Join us for a fun week where we will be making our very own fairy/gnome gardens! We will be using nature as our main material to make small mushroom homes, stairs, bridges, and signs. They will be able to create a small wonderland that they can put in their own backyard. They will be using real plants so that they can practice caring and gardening for their own plant. This camp will be a magical one!
Sample Camp day Schedule:
9-10:15 Mini Creativity exercise
10:15-30 Snack time
10:30-12 decorate fairy pot with tiles/stones/paint
12-1 lunch + games
1-2 plant greenery in pots, start working on mushroom home for fairies/gnomes
2-3 free choice with maker stations (jewelry, cardboard construction, painting, etc)
Make sure your kiddo brings:
✸ Clothes they can get messy in (apron/smock provided!)
✸ Snack + lunch, water bottle
✸ Sun screen
An email with more details of activities/what to expect will be sent out a few weeks before camp!
June 23-27
Ages 6-10
Join us for a fun week where we will be making our very own fairy/gnome gardens! We will be using nature as our main material to make small mushroom homes, stairs, bridges, and signs. They will be able to create a small wonderland that they can put in their own backyard. They will be using real plants so that they can practice caring and gardening for their own plant. This camp will be a magical one!
Sample Camp day Schedule:
9-10:15 Mini Creativity exercise
10:15-30 Snack time
10:30-12 decorate fairy pot with tiles/stones/paint
12-1 lunch + games
1-2 plant greenery in pots, start working on mushroom home for fairies/gnomes
2-3 free choice with maker stations (jewelry, cardboard construction, painting, etc)
Make sure your kiddo brings:
✸ Clothes they can get messy in (apron/smock provided!)
✸ Snack + lunch, water bottle
✸ Sun screen
An email with more details of activities/what to expect will be sent out a few weeks before camp!
June 23-27
Ages 6-10
Join us for a fun week where we will be making our very own fairy/gnome gardens! We will be using nature as our main material to make small mushroom homes, stairs, bridges, and signs. They will be able to create a small wonderland that they can put in their own backyard. They will be using real plants so that they can practice caring and gardening for their own plant. This camp will be a magical one!
Sample Camp day Schedule:
9-10:15 Mini Creativity exercise
10:15-30 Snack time
10:30-12 decorate fairy pot with tiles/stones/paint
12-1 lunch + games
1-2 plant greenery in pots, start working on mushroom home for fairies/gnomes
2-3 free choice with maker stations (jewelry, cardboard construction, painting, etc)
Make sure your kiddo brings:
✸ Clothes they can get messy in (apron/smock provided!)
✸ Snack + lunch, water bottle
✸ Sun screen
An email with more details of activities/what to expect will be sent out a few weeks before camp!
The Art Room Camp is drop off only.
Where: 5212 NE Sacramento St, Portland OR 97213