Make a Pet Camp
July 14-18
Ages 6-10
During Make a Pet camp, every kid will get to sew their own pet, then make their pet a home, food, a daycare, and clothes! The best part? This pet is forever potty-trained. We will learn how to hand sew, and work with clay, cardboard, paint, and loads of fun supplies to make their idea come to life!
Sample Camp day Schedule:
9-10:15 Mini Creativity exercise
10:15-30 Snack time
10:30-12 Mini hand-stitching lesson, then choose pet pattern and fabric, begin sewing
12-1 lunch + games
1-2 Continue sewing pet, take a break to make a pet adoption certificate
2-3 free choice with maker stations (jewelry, cardboard construction, painting, etc)
Make sure your kiddo brings:
✸ Clothes they can get messy in (apron/smock provided!)
✸ Snack + lunch, water bottle
✸ Sun screen (some days we will walk 2 blocks to Rose City Park Elementary’s playground for an outdoor break!
An email with more details of activities/what to expect will be sent out a few weeks before camp!
July 14-18
Ages 6-10
During Make a Pet camp, every kid will get to sew their own pet, then make their pet a home, food, a daycare, and clothes! The best part? This pet is forever potty-trained. We will learn how to hand sew, and work with clay, cardboard, paint, and loads of fun supplies to make their idea come to life!
Sample Camp day Schedule:
9-10:15 Mini Creativity exercise
10:15-30 Snack time
10:30-12 Mini hand-stitching lesson, then choose pet pattern and fabric, begin sewing
12-1 lunch + games
1-2 Continue sewing pet, take a break to make a pet adoption certificate
2-3 free choice with maker stations (jewelry, cardboard construction, painting, etc)
Make sure your kiddo brings:
✸ Clothes they can get messy in (apron/smock provided!)
✸ Snack + lunch, water bottle
✸ Sun screen (some days we will walk 2 blocks to Rose City Park Elementary’s playground for an outdoor break!
An email with more details of activities/what to expect will be sent out a few weeks before camp!
July 14-18
Ages 6-10
During Make a Pet camp, every kid will get to sew their own pet, then make their pet a home, food, a daycare, and clothes! The best part? This pet is forever potty-trained. We will learn how to hand sew, and work with clay, cardboard, paint, and loads of fun supplies to make their idea come to life!
Sample Camp day Schedule:
9-10:15 Mini Creativity exercise
10:15-30 Snack time
10:30-12 Mini hand-stitching lesson, then choose pet pattern and fabric, begin sewing
12-1 lunch + games
1-2 Continue sewing pet, take a break to make a pet adoption certificate
2-3 free choice with maker stations (jewelry, cardboard construction, painting, etc)
Make sure your kiddo brings:
✸ Clothes they can get messy in (apron/smock provided!)
✸ Snack + lunch, water bottle
✸ Sun screen (some days we will walk 2 blocks to Rose City Park Elementary’s playground for an outdoor break!
An email with more details of activities/what to expect will be sent out a few weeks before camp!
The Art Room Camp Location:
Where: 5212 NE Sacramento St, Portland OR 97213